
We Say

“Discover the Urban Explorer Inside You”!

Hello Traveller,

We are Urban Monk Travels; we are a professional travel management team formed in the year 2022.

We are based in Eastern State of India (West Bengal). We provide an authentic travel experience at minimal budget and revealing the true pulse of India. There are lots of untouched and unexplored parts in our India, which one should explore. We are one stop travel solution for all your travel needs. We provide services on Honeymoon Trips, Family Trips, Corporate Trips, Bachelor Trips and all types of Customised trips as per your requirements. Solo travelling is a common thing in now a day, now talking about solo travelling a question of security comes in everyone’s mind. Now don’t worry to travel solo as our executive will assist you 24*7 while you are travelling. Travel Bloggers are also welcome for collaboration, mail us at urbanmonktravels@gmail.com

Message from Our Team

“We the team of Urban Monk Travels believe that each and every one has one explorer inside us, which gets buried in our daily life, and we are looking forward so that everyone gets the opportunity to discover their explorer soul in pocket friendly price. Each and every one of our team is a passionate traveller, and it will be a pleasure to make the best itineraries for you. So don’t hesitate to contact our executive for your upcoming dream trip”
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